2015 Campaign

Campaigning for the 2015 AZAB Race & Rolex Fastnet Race

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Caption Competition

Now for the audience participation - a caption competition. We have
provided a suitable photo. Let your imagination run riot and submit your
caption for the image.

Prizes will be suitable souvenirs from our voyage, and winners will be
decided after we've drunk vast quantities of alcohol in Newport. Our
decision will be final, assuming we can remember it in the morning and there
will be no rights to appeal.

Richard & Trev


  1. I guess 'You have been Tangoed' springs to mind. Roll on Monday!!

    Hold it together until then!


  2. I can't see what you are holding in your hand - it could make all the difference to the caption. Let me know somehow!!! G:)

  3. I think they are holding the protein bars - my caption would be:
    Don't make me angry......

  4. Those suites look inflated and ready for take off and if they are protein bars in the one hand and holding onto the other bar in the other hand how about 'With Suites Like These, Don't Let Go Of The Bars'?!......G:)

  5. "A Government Health Warning" the consequences of competing in the TWOSTAR transatlantic race with too many food parcels and flapjacks on board.........

  6. Caption to second photo "Is nowhere safe from those damned Somali pirates?"

  7. In their heart of hearts Richard and Trev knew it was risky following their canard with truffles and lentils de puy with an energy bar......

  8. From the gossip column of Fantasy Yachting magazine:
    Ken files for divorce as Barbie gives birth to mutant Siamese twins which confirm her much speculated sordid affair with Bananaman!

    In a desperate attempt to keep her affair under wraps, Barbie appears to have set sail across the Atlantic, with little more than a supply of flapjack and a power drill.Our coconut spy-cam tracked her down and took these exclusive photos of the new-born 'cutie'.

    Ken's lawyer said: 'My client was disappointed to find that his beloved had been unfaithful but he wished the twins a healthy start in life'.

    Bananaman was not available for comment. More exclusive pictures to follow!

  9. you look like BANANAS IN PYJAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Who ate all the pies, you have been found guilty as charged, We know you are not inflated!

  11. I told you to turn off the air

    Chick Stitchers in NY

  12. Caption competition
    Desperate to reach their destination sooner, the Jangada Too crew eat their entire supply of baked beans. Releasing all that pent up air should jet-propel them somewhere but whether it’s into the right port is anyone’s guess - penguins take cover!


  13. "After these weeks at sea, calling in HazMat was deemed the safest option to deal with the odours coming from down below" Hope you are having fun guys - Richard, Singapore are coming in 2nd at the moment! Becky x


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