2015 Campaign

Campaigning for the 2015 AZAB Race & Rolex Fastnet Race

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Leg 2 - strategy

We are sailing in a northly airstream with high pressure to the west
mid atlantic and low pressure over Biscay. As these systems move over
the coming days we are expecting the north easterly wind to back to
the north west. So our strategy is to pass the Skeligs and head
offshore to pick up the wind shift. Around midnight tonight we should
tack towards the northern coast of Ireland, finishing of with a direct
course to Barra, ETA Saturday evening.


  1. Tracker has you 200 miles in the wrong place... Your not sitting on it? Is everything OK.

  2. http://lh6.ggpht.com/__aQ3ujeMoXw/TBDhnjHziEI/AAAAAAAAmX0/GpDs9zKjfGo/jangada%20track%20problem%2010_6_1338.jpg

  3. Looks as though you have beaten everyone else> Hope all is well and that the winds didn't carry you too quickly?!
