2015 Campaign

Campaigning for the 2015 AZAB Race & Rolex Fastnet Race

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Riding along on the crest of a wave...

With winds forecast on the Grib files up to 25 kts, we decided that
lessons learnt in strong winds west of Ireland to expect gust up to
30kts. So with spinnaker put to bed early it was time to decide beween
the testosterone fuelled heavy A6 kite, or the more sedate Jib Top poled
out opposite the mainsail. As this race is a marathon and we are far
from shore, the A6 remained snug in it bag. The poled out Jib Top has
performed very well, with surfs down the wave almost downwind along the
rhumb line at up to 15kts. Trevor & I had been wondering what happens
when you broach with a poled out jib. Well, it does happen and it far
less spectacular then with a spinnaker. No whiplash in the rigging, no
flogging of the mainsail. Whilst quite exciting, far less stressfull to
both boat and crew. The wind has now picked up to 25kts and with one
reef in the mainsail we can even recover from the broach without
manhandling the sails. Now don't go thinking we are running out of
control broaching all over the place like a windy spring regatta in the
Solent. It has happened three times in the past 12 hours and cause by
the confused sea throwing up peak waves that kick the stern out
sideways. So "Ride em coybow" whilst I take to my bunk.

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