High pressure systems, light winds, clear starlit nights - perfect
conditions for a 300nm cruise from Hamble to Falmouth and back.
Becalmed on Saturday in the middle of Lyme Bay with only a bottle of
fine wine and a fishing rod to pass the time.
2015 Campaign
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
RB&I qualifier
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Homeward Bound
mission to beat Voador across the line. Whilst we were catching her all the
time, we simply ran of race track and crossed 7 minutes behind her. Next
time, hey! Then once in Plymouth it was a mad dash to get to the bar.
Overall we are extremely pleased with our result. To be the 2nd J109 in the
results is quite an achievement given the level of competition. That the
J109s in general did not feature high in the results is a reflection of the
nature of the race with a lot of upwind work. Had there been more spinnaker
reaching the story could be quite different. But that is part of the fun of
the sport - no two races are ever the same.
Heading home now, with spinnaker flying in the sunshine. With time to
reflect on the race we are now looking at areas we can improve the boat, its
systems and how we work with them. The list is growing.
Finally, a big thank you to all for taking an interest in our adventure, and
posting your comments which will help keep the memories of the race all the
more fresh in our minds. And in those long winter evenings we will no doubt
be replaying the race time and time again, wondering about all those
opportunities to pick up the 7 minutes that we needed on Voador.
Richard & Jeremy
Sir Admiral, Sir Pengu, Dave, JTB & Duck
Friday, 14 August 2009
tonights party. The final leg was game of chace with Voador our
target. But the results are not showing her, so not sure what has
Friday surprise
p.s. where did that come from? Been in hidding all week!
Sir Pengu
don't know about it. Sir Admiral Waddle is too busy guarding the
flapjack- been a bit of a run on them lately. And Dave is still
looking for the Pixie - Jerry's other glasses are now missing!
Rocket Ship
cruising at over 8 knots.
overtaking other yachts on the way - very satisfying. Have one more on
my target list before Lizard - must go trim those sails
Sprint to the finish
the sunshine, the long awaited breeze hase filled in from the South.
It was our game plan to head South to pick up the westerly. Just
didn't think it would take all day!
In the 2 handed division we are lying somewhere between 4th and 7th.
Confusion arising as RORC have still not cirrected our rating on the
tracker system.
Its a sprint to the Plymouth in what looks to be an exciting finish
with plenty of places at stake.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Fruit surprise
kitchen. Apples & Bananas for me. Stawberries & Apples for Jeremy.
7:30pm and after a frustrating day going nowhere except with the tide, it
looks as though breeze is finally settling in from the South-West. Boat
speed 2.4kt in the right direction.
All well with crew, except boots are beginning to hum.
Had a surprise visitor today. A small bird with pretty yellow plumage
choose to take a break with us. Managed to catch a moth but struggled to
kill it. Moth ended up in the sea. Bird still hungry!
Unlike other crews we don't seem to be running short on food. Probably
because we have not been eating enough. Jeremy mad a real effort with
dinner tonight and served it up on a plate. Chilli con Carne. Still in its
foil bag though. No point washing the plate. With only two on board we
don't have the luxury of a galley slave.
R & J
Dry Boat!!!!
the Scillies. Boats are running out of food and wishing they had bought
more alcohol. We are thinking of holding a party as we still have plenty of
beer on board. The half can ration per day, which has not been touched up
to now is looking like liquid gold. Shame the other boats can't get to us.
Still, put the music on and turn up the volume. We'll have our own party.
For tonight we sleep.
What I did on my Birthday!

Happy Birthday
sailing on Sports day and miss her win a medal, but also lets me go sailing
on her birthday.
Love you lots.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Off with their heads!
heads". They were sumarily dismissed and Jeremy & I are looking forward to
the sugar rush.
Today's dinner, apart from Jelly Babies, includes boil-in-the bag meatballs,
followed by boil-in-the-bag chocolate pudding. No doubt with some home made
fruit cake to follow.
We are setting ourselves up for a busy night on deck, with three sails to
handle. The spinnaker was at last hoisted after the Fastnet along with its
baby staysail which seems to be doing the trick. Only time will tell as we
head west of the rumb line to try to pre-empt a shift in wind from west to
south-west. The routing software has been running overtime and pleased to
say that George is holding his own on the helm. Even to occasional wave
doesn't throw him. George, by the way, is the auto helm.
Choc pud ready, so must dash.....
Newsflash - woman on board?
onboard. Come to think of it, Jeremy keeps dissapearing downstairs whenever
I come out on watch - suspicious.
Have challenged him about it, and was fobbed off with some theory about the
pixie being female. Good news - his sunglases have turned up. Its raining.
Daily treats
chocolate. Didn't last long.
Last night Sir Admiral Waddle was caught napping and I managed to pinch the
flapjack bucket to keep me going on deck during the small hours. Only to
discover that Jeremy had got there before me during the night. Must have a
word with that penguin.
Life at 30 degrees
- the galley has a strop to hold you in place
- the toilet does not!
- water doesn't sink to the bottom of the bilges but slops around the
navigators ankles.
- when you fall out of bed its even further to the floor (on the other side
of the boat)
- the bunks can be cranked up to horizontal but then the gap is too tight to
get in/out
- the boat is screaming along at almost 7 knots upwind. Hey, there has to
be an upside.
Fastnet Rock now 30nm miles away. ETA 15:20. Only 4 more hours at this
unsociable angle.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Jelly surprise
surprises that the family sent us off with. saturday it was a slice of
fruit cake. Sunday, Stowaway Dave. Monday's treat was postponed until
this morning - jelly beans. Hurrah! Thanks guys. Looking forward to
the next treat.
Re: What's in your wardrobe?
Great variety you have though, just wondering which shoes will you wear.
M and the Zoo x
On 11 Aug 2009, at 07:50, Jangada wrote:
> Now what shall we wear today? On Jangada we have a varied selection
> to choose from:
> • light & heavy No 3 Jibs for going upwind
> • heavy weather No 4 Jib
> • JibTop, for those not quite spinnaker moments
> • A2 & A3 asymetric spinnakers for downwind (hoping to make an
> appearance on the back from the Rock)
> • Staysail - which only makes an appearance with the spinnaker in
> >10kt winds. North have promised that it should buy us an extra
> 0.5kts. Just hope there is enough wind for it tomorrow.
> • mainsail, which never sleeps
> • and finally the storm jib & trisail in dayglo orange.
> So much choice!
> <photo.jpg>
What's in your wardrobe?
to choose from:
• light & heavy No 3 Jibs for going upwind
• heavy weather No 4 Jib
• JibTop, for those not quite spinnaker moments
• A2 & A3 asymetric spinnakers for downwind (hoping to make an
appearance on the back from the Rock)
• Staysail - which only makes an appearance with the spinnaker in
>10kt winds. North have promised that it should buy us an extra
0.5kts. Just hope there is enough wind for it tomorrow.
• mainsail, which never sleeps
• and finally the storm jib & trisail in dayglo orange.
So much choice!
Cheese :-)
subsided enough to mean that we relish a nice bite! Crew moral on the
up, including Richard who has at last relaxed enough to sleep properly.
Still no sign of the pixie!
Pirates off Penzance
We tried to get him keel hauled but were outnumbered by the penguins.
A walk off the plank was called off at the 11th hour when Dave ageed
not to cause any trouble. Instead he is on Pixie watch - Jerry's
sunglasses have gone missing and we suspect the pesky thief is back
Sunrise off Lands End. Off to dodge the shipping lines before a long
haul across the Celtic Sea. Looks like light winds for the next 24hrs.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Skies clearing
clearing to the West. Still not sure how we are doing - the results
table did have the wrong rating for us and not sure if its fixed yet.
Lunch - pot noodle. Dinner - wil be usual boil-in-bag dinner for two
with seaview table and sunset.
Storming along at 7kt
much of the race is within 3G range. Not when you head South. Or
South-East in our case with the tides off Portland. Just didn't feel rigth,
to be heading away from the Rock!
Hope our game plan pays off. Judging by the two IMOCA 60s that suprised us
by crossing our path shortly after dawn, we are hopefull that it has.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Message from Sir Admiral Waddle
introduce you to the Nav Team, Pengu on my right, John the Bear (JTB)
to my left. We will be keeping an eye on progress while the boys do
all the hard work upstairs.
Sir Admiral Waddle Flapjack.
Leopard on our tail
Solent. Spinnaker flying off the start, until Yarmouth when the
Westerly sea breeze kicked in. Plesded with our position so far. Now
the tactics really kick in.
Storm sails!
registration where we have to shown our stoem sails rigged. Hopefully
consigned to the sail locket thereaftet.
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Watch the Start on Cowes TV
The tracker on the RORC Fastnet website goes "live" just before the start, so you will be able to follow our progress with half-hourly updates. The system is not infallable so please do not be alarmed if position reports are not updated.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Please support the UKSA
Many thanks for your support
Richard & Jeremy
Countdown to the Fastnet Race
Focus now switches from kit lists, checklists, crew lists, waypoint lists (and so the list goes on) to a weather watch. Forecast is for high pressure and light winds - looks like its going to be a long hot race. Just as well we have plenty of anchor line onboard.
Meanwhile, Co-Skipper Jeremy is busy honing his skills in the X One Design Fleet at Cowes Week and celebrating a 1st place in Monday's race -congratulations.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
OUYC finish 7th in Class in the Round The Island Race
Saturday, 20 June 2009
St Catherines to Bembridge
not without a few issues - a kite wrap around the forestay. All dealt
with. A cautious rounding at Bembridge with made into a lottery as the
wind died completely. Now approached Ryde Sands with 10kt wind for a
very pleasant beat.
Round The Island
epense of foul tide. But hope boat speed will more than compensate.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Job done
Qualification for the Fastnet Race complete.
Shortened Course
mark. Banana Quay Warf, here we come - the iced beer beckons.
Morning all - anvil point
pool then back to hurst. Might shorten course but unlikly... 5knts
Blog from the bog!
A hard night. First anchor didn't hold so we had try again with
heavier anchor and longer warps. Eventually got the hook to hold. But
took most of our effory to recover it from 40m of water. Lost a lot of
places as we slipped back 2 miles.
I'm off to my bunk for a kip.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Mandolin Wind
Wind. A very pleasant interlude as we catch the last of the fair tide
near Anvil Point.
Breeze at last
steady pressure from the East off Ryde. 6 kt boat speed , Jeremy
looking happier.
Sir Admiral Waddle has issued flapjacks in reward.
Friday, 12 June 2009
De Guingand Bowl
weekend. RORC have just published the course - East, west, east, west,
east between Nab and Portland. 126nm in total. Routing is predicting a
finish on Sunday evening. Just hope we get a few sea breezes to speed
things up.
Jangada has got another new weapon onboard which might prove usefull -
60m of webbing for the kedge anchor.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Training with OUYC
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Eddystone & back

Jangada - the origin of the name
Monday, 11 May 2009
Welcome to Jangada's Blog - an opportunity to see what we are doing as Jeremy & I prepare to take on the Rolex Fastnet Race double handed.
The season has already got off to a good start with our first win in the JOG race from Cherbourg to Cowes - see Yachts & Yachting for details.
Comms permiting we'll try to update posts as the races progress, and look forward to reading your comments (but please - no "outside assistance" during races).
Blog Archive
- Homeward Bound
- Finished
- Friday surprise
- Sir Pengu
- Fish for breakfast!
- The chase
- Rocket Ship
- Sprint to the finish
- Fruit surprise
- Dry Boat!!!!
- What I did on my Birthday!
- Happy Birthday
- Off with their heads!
- Jeremy 1st time around Fastnet Rock
- Richard - 3rd time around.
- Fastnet Rock
- Clear Island?
- Newsflash - woman on board?
- Daily treats
- Life at 30 degrees
- Jelly surprise
- Re: What's in your wardrobe?
- What's in your wardrobe?
- Cheese :-)
- Pirates off Penzance
- Skies clearing
- Storming along at 7kt
- Message from Sir Admiral Waddle
- Leopard on our tail
- preparing for another flotilla holiday
- Storm sails!
- Watch the Start on Cowes TV
- Please support the UKSA
- Countdown to the Fastnet Race
- OUYC finish 7th in Class in the Round The Island Race
- Finished
- St Catherines to Bembridge
- Needles
- Round The Island
- Job done
- Shortened Course
- Morning all - anvil point
- Mutiny!
- Blog from the bog!
- Anchored in 40mtrs 130mtrs of line to pull up for ...
- No wind again. Jw all is well
- Hmmm its a numbers game!!! Four a.m
- Mandolin Wind
- Penguin and afternoon tea &drift
- Blue Water sailing
- Breeze at last
- Countdown to start
- De Guingand Bowl
- Training with OUYC